Wednesday, October 17, 2007

His Name is Schulz, Does That Count?

This definitely counts as a "miscellanea" post.

I don't know who David Michaelis is, but his new biography of Charles Schulz, creator and fifty-year author of the Peanuts comic strip, received reviews from not one but two authors far more famous than himself.* You can read Bill Watterson's review here, and John Updike's review here.


*Michaelis, not Schulz.1

1How impressed are you? Two line post, and I still fit in not only a footnote, but a footnoted footnote! Now that's consistency.


Unknown said...

This definitely counts as a "miscellanea" comment.

I don't know who David Michaelis is, either!

First comments, as usual! Now that's consistency.

nobody said...

heh, i ended up talking with rajczi about the idea of a "tortured artist" and whether peanuts counted as art or not thanks to this forthcoming biography. he also asked about you, by the way.