Friday, February 15, 2008

Oh, Right -- This Is What Working Feels Like

As of today, I am two weeks through the third and final phase of my program here in Germany. My internship1 proceeds apace, and I am enjoying it immensely. My friends know I thrive on stress, though not always with much grace or stoicism. I prefer activity, even stressful levels of it, to lethargy. Thus I had looked forward to once again being truly busy.

Somehow, though, I had forgotten that with being busy comes... well, being busy.

Hence the pause since my last post. My job has me writing almost constantly. I have found little energy for blogging after writing for nine straight hours at work. On the plus side, I have managed to find even more respect for certain bloggers who've kept that pace for some time now. My next topic will be Karneval... but not yet. That pandaemonium of pageantry has aligned itself in constellation-like fashion with a few other events in my life, which I will be tackling collectively in the near future. Don't worry: I won't be assaulting you with any rambling diatribes just because Europe's getting all serendipitous on me.

For now, let me just say this: Cologne has a Karneval rallying cry, "Kölle Alaaf!" Hearing that everywhere made the whole event sound like some sort of call to a jovial jihad.

Stay tuned.


1I use that term loosely. The responsibility and feeling of satisfaction are decidedly job-like. The pay... well, not so much.


Unknown said...

Hahahahahahaha, I love the tags you have for this entry! And once again, your facility with rhetoric blows me away sometimes, Greg. "That pandemonium of pagaentry has aligned itself in constellation-like fashion with a few other events..." There is so much beauty in your way with words.

Thanks for the post, Greg!

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, and a big HUZZAH to being busy over bored!

Patrice said...

The responsibility and feeling of satisfaction are decidedly job-like. The pay... well, not so much.

Interestingly enough, the best endeavors feel like this. That's what I'm telling myself every time I find myself commuting on the LIRR to support my eating habit.

I am of course, a fellow workaholic ... which is why I have been lax on reading, I'm catching up, my apologies though!

Much love from the Big Apple!