Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Fauxhawks Revisited

After some prodding, I have decided to resolve the fauxhawk issue raised earlier, despite having raised it almost entirely in jest, and even then only as a result of my viewing several examples of the hairstyle on my Bahnfahrt home.

Conclusion: fauxhawks are what they were the last time I was here, though they do come in various degrees of a) color, b) size, and c) architectural severity. All of which taken together I shall continue to privately refer to as "plumage."

And, yes, I'm getting stodgier. No shocks there.

Longer post soon. Bis später, bussi bussi.


Unknown said...

Damn it, I don't know how to get blogger to change from my secret spy name. In spite of this, I still have ULTIMATE TOPICAL POWER! :-P

How do you say HUGS in Deutsch?

Greg said...
